Food Environments Around School sTudy (FEAST)

Organisational Food Environment

Food Environments Around School sTudy (FEAST)

Study title: Investigating the impact of fast-food outlets being built near schools

Investigators/Team:  Prof Gina Trapp, Dr Siobhan Hickling, Associate Professor Lukar Thornton, Sharonna Mossenson, Dr Roslyn Giglia

Research Program Manager: Dr Rosyln Giglia

Funding: Healthway and Cancer Council WA


This project involves conducting a suite of natural experiments in Western Australia to investigate the impact of fast-food outlets being developed near schools on schoolchildren and local residents. The studies will assess changes in eating behaviours and perceptions of the neighbourhood amongst schoolchildren and local residents living near the new fast-food outlet. It will investigate schoolchildren’s and local resident’s experiences and attitudes towards food outlets being present near schools and their level of support for potential policy and practice changes related to improving the food environment near schools.

Contact: Contact Dr Roslyn Giglia or the Food Environments Team at


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