Journal Club 09 2024

Implementation Cafe

Journal Club September 2024

Lecture 2 – Tuesday September 3rd, 12.00pm AWST 

Join us for a 30-minute online lecture, followed 30 minute discussion. 


August session presented by:  Dr Jim Smith

Title: ‘A visual traffic light labelling system to present levels of positivity and negativity (green for strong enablers and red for strong barriers), highlighting levels of concern regarding implementation’

What listeners expect to learn: I developed an approach that involves grading qualitative data using a visual traffic light labelling system. This system can highlight the levels of positivity, negativity, and implementation concern. It aims to provide rapid actionable information to sponsors, planners, and decision-makers when an intervention takes place in a rapidly changing context.

Articles for the lecture: 

We would appreciate if you can please complete a pre-lecture survey.  

Hold the date for details coming up about a session on:

  • 8th October